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Writing Workshops LIVE & ONLINE

For everybody who desires to find their writing flow and personal writing voice.

Do you know the feeling of having something on your mind that you would like to express in writing? It can either be professionally or privately? But then you become distracted by your thoughts that evaluate every word and sentence you write, and you are thrown off your flow. Consequently, after some time, you might lose your enthusiasm because the words and sentences are not really expressing what is on your mind, or what you wish to say from your heart.

Do you lack creative flow in your writing where the process is easy and full of joy? Are you able to say what you want and to say it in a personal way where the receiver can feel it is coming from you? Do you think you need to possess a certain creative talent in order to write this way? Or that it will take a very long time learning? Well, it doesn’t have to be this way.

Through the Inner Flow Writing Method you will get access to your natural writing flow. It is a creative and psychological method that brings you into a more open state of mind where you will have full access to your writing flow, which will improve your texts and your writing process.

The Inner Flow Writing Method works on liberating you from your inner critical voice which can easily sabotage your writing flow by criticizing you. Letting go of your inner critical voice will give you more freedom to express yourself in writing, through your creative writing flow. You will be able to really express what is on your mind and in your heart.

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